Startng the night off was three local bands Eye of Malice, No True Ending, Stitch. All three bands rocked the house. When Framing Hanley took the stage it was like the whole energy shifted, it was a party. They started their set with Say You Ever and a few other songs from their album Envy. But as soon as Kenneth Nixon started singing Lollipop the crowd was hyped. As far as covers go Lollipop will always be one of my favorites. They ended the night with Hear Me Now and then a surprise encore of You Stupid Girl and Home. To be honest I haven't seen Framing Hanley since the early Warped Tour days but I was not let down, they put on a really great show here in Indy.
Framing Hanley :: June 11th, 2021 :: The Emerson Theater :: Indianapolis, IN
Updated: Sep 17, 2021